Friday, March 23, 2018

4th Period Math:
Students will be able to practice for MATH CMAS testing
In-Class Work:




Thursday, March 22, 2018

4th Period Math:
Students will be able to use a Function to describe a linear pattern.
In-Class Work:
1.  Finish Quiz - 6.1-6.3 - Functions.
   *Notes for 6.1
   *Notes for 6.2
   *Notes for 6.3
   *Book Quiz 6.1-6.3
3.  When you’re finished, do Book 6.4 Activities 1,2 pp266-267 (PJ pp133-135).
1.  None.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

4th Period Math:
Students will be able to use a Function to describe a linear pattern.
In-Class Work:
1.  Go over Book Quiz p265 - 6.1-6.3: 1-10.
2.  Do Paper Quiz - 6.1-6.3 - Functions.
    *Notes for 6.1
    *Notes for 6.2
    *Notes for 6.3
    *Book Quiz 6.1-6.3
3.  When you’re finished, do Book 6.4 Activities 1,2 pp266-267 (PJ pp133-135).
1.  None.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


4th Period Math:
Students will be able to use a Function to describe a linear pattern.
In-Class Work:
1.  Take short Entrance Slip (ES) on 6.1 & 6.2 - “Relations and Representations of Functions”.
2.  Go over Book Exercises pp261,263 6.3: 5-10,23 (On Clever)
3.  Finish 6.3 Examples and OYO’s
4.  Do Book Quiz p265 - 6.1-6.3: 1-10 on paper.
1.  Make sure Book Quiz p265 - 6.1-6.3: 1-10 is finished on paper.
2.  Starting Quiz tomorrow on 6.1-6.3.

Monday, March 19, 2018

4th Period Math:
Students will be able to use a Function to describe a linear pattern.
In-Class Work:
1.  Start notes for Book 6.3 Examples and OYOs
2.  Do Book Exercises pp261,263 6.3: 5-10,23 (On Clever) - Should have finished in class.
1.  Make sure Book Exercises pp261,263 6.3: 5-10,23 (On Clever) is finished, if you didn’t finish in class.

Friday, March 16, 2018

4th Period Math:
Students will be able to represent a Function in different ways.
In-Class Work:
1.  Go over Book Exercises p254 6.2: 26-32 and then 33.
1.  None.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

4th Period Math:
Students will be able to represent a Function in different ways.
In-Class Work:
1.  Go over Book Exercises p253 6.2: 13-15,19-21 (On Clever).
2.  Finish notes for Book 6.2 Examples and OYOs.
3.  Do Book Exercises p254 6.2: 26-32 on paper.
1.  Make sure Book Exercises p254 6.2: 26-32 is finished on paper.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Pi Day 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884… forever!!

Fun Pi Day Activities and Logic Problems done in class :-)

**Finish Book Exercises p253 6.2: 13-15,19-21, on Clever, if you haven't already!
There are still 10 people who haven't submitted it.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

4th Period Math:
Students will be able to represent a Function in different ways.
In-Class Work:
1.  Go over Book Exercises pp246,247 6.1: 9-15,19-22 (On Clever).
2.  Go over p250 6.2 OYOs: 2-4 on paper.
3.  Continue notes for Book 6.2 Examples and OYOs.
4.  Do Book Exercises p253 6.2: 13-15,19-21 (On Clever)
1.  Make sure Book Exercises p253 6.2: 13-15,19-21 (On Clever) is finished.

Monday, March 12, 2018

4th Period Math:
Students will be able to decide if a Relation is a Function or not.
Students will be able to represent a Function in different ways.
In-Class Work:
1.  Finish notes on Book 6.1 Examples 1-3 and do OYO 1-5.
2.  Do Book Exercises pp246,247 6.1: 9-15,19-22 (On Clever).
3.  Start notes for Book 6.2 Examples and OYOs.
4.  Do p250 6.2 OYOs: 2-4 on paper.
1.  Make sure to finish Book Exercises pp246,247 6.1: 9-15,19-22 (On Clever), if you didn’t finish in class.
2.  Make sure to finish p250 6.2 OYOs: 2-4 on paper, if you didn’t finish in class.

Friday, March 9, 2018

4th Period Math:
Students will be able to decide if a Relation is a Function or not.
In-Class Work:
1.  Go over p241 WYLB Chapter 6: 1-6.
2.  Start notes on Book 6.1 Examples 1-3 and do OYO 1-5.
3. Do Book Ex. p246 6.1: 3-8 on paper and Clever.
1.  Make sure to finish Book Ex. p246 6.1: 3-8 on paper and Clever. (If you didn't finish in class)

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Clever seems to be working now.

Here's a document that will allow you to access the BOOK a different way.

Click HERE to access guide to get to book.

4th Period Math:
Students will be able to solve a Systems by Elimination and Special Systems and using any Method.
In-Class Work:
1.  Do Warm-up #31
2.  Finish 5.3 & 5.4 Quiz - Elimination and Special Systems. (If needed)
See links for notes from yesterday.
3.  When finished with test, do p241 WYLB Chapter 6: 1-6 on paper.
**if you can’t access the online book, use your hardcover book at home, or follow the link and instructions above :-)
1.  Make sure to finish p241 WYLB Chapter 6: 1-6 on paper.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

4th Period Math:
Students will be able to solve a Systems by Elimination and Special Systems and using any Method.
In-Class Work:
1.  Continue work on 5.3 & 5.4 Quiz - Elimination and Special Systems.
1.  None.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

4th Period Math:
Students will be able to solve a Systems by Elimination and Special Systems and using any Method.
In-Class Work:
1.  Go over 5.3 & 5.4 Book Practice Quiz.
2.  Do 5.3 & 5.4 Quiz - Elimination and Special Systems.
1.  None.

Monday, March 5, 2018

4th Period Math:
Students will be able to solve a Systems by Elimination and Special Systems and using any Method.
In-Class Work:
1.  Do Warm-up #30
2.  Go over Book Exercises p228 5.4: 5,7.
3.  Do 5.3 & 5.4 Book Practice Quiz on paper.
1.  Make sure to finish 5.3 & 5.4 Book Practice Quiz on paper, if you didn’t finish in class.

Friday, March 2, 2018

4th Period Math:
Students will be able to solve a Special Systems using any Method.
In-Class Work:
1.  Do Warm-up #29
2.  Go over Book Exercises p228 5.4: 8,9.
3.  Continue notes on Book pp226,227 5.4 Examples and OYOs.
4.  Do Book Exercises p228 5.4: 5,7 on paper.
1.  Make sure to finish Book Exercises p228 5.4: 5,7 on paper, if you didn’t finish in class

Thursday, March 1, 2018

4th Period Math:
Students will be able to solve a Special Systems using any Method.
In-Class Work:
1.  Go over Worksheet on Solving Systems by Elimination: 8,9 only multiply one equation by something so one variable can be “eliminated”.
2.  Start notes on Book pp226,227 5.4 Examples and OYOs.
3.  Do Book Exercises p228 5.4: 8,9 on paper.
1.  Make sure to finish Book Exercises p228 5.4: 8,9 on paper. (No clever)